Actiss unfolds in West Africa
Actiss unfolds in West Africa
We are proud to announce that as part of its international expansion, Actiss is now present in West Africa.
Our establishment on the African continent is very promising and we are looking forward to Ambroise Baroan and Malick Mbengue, leaders of Actiss Africa, which are located in Abidjan and Dakar.
« Africa is taking off. There is therefore a strong demand for management by African companies. And also from other continents companies investing in Africa and betting on accelerating economic development, « says Ambrose Baroan. « In this sense the transition management as produced by Actiss is really a suitable solution »
« Actiss, using locally as interim managers of African and European, also hopes to participate in the emergence of strong local expertise. What pride! « Brand adds Gilles, leader of Actiss.